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In this entry, I will be sharing about CALL. It is not CALL literally through the phone as you might think. CALL is an abbreviation for Computer Assisted Language Learning. It usually refers to the area of technology and second language teaching and learning. Basically, it is about learning the second language through a computer. CALL consists of four programs which are CALL-Specific Software, Generic Software, Web-based Learning Programs and CMC. This is just a refreshment for me as I did use CALL in my Material Selection and Adaptation subject during diploma.

CALL-Specific Software is designed specifically to facilitate language learning. This type of program is really interactive as it uses language in a very entertaining and enjoyable way. For Generic Software, it is usually referred to applications that are designated for general purposes but co-opted with language teaching and learning. Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and E-book are among the examples of generic software.

Web-based Learning Programs are applications and stuff found on the internet co-opted for use as tools for language teaching and learning. For instance, Wikipedia, blog, online magazines and so on.

Computer Mediated Communications are applications or websites designated to facilitate online communication. There are two types which are synchronous and asynchronous. WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook Messenger are among the examples of synchronous while discussion forum, discussion board, and email are the types for asynchronous.

Although the use of computer in language teaching and learning seems to be effective as well, book is still one of the best methods in language teaching and learning despite its thick and boring content to be read. Computer should act as an aid for learners, not as a way of replacing teachers as a method in language teaching and learning.


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